Wednesday, October 6, 2010

MARCS Agreements

Member Agencies:

You more than likely received an e-mail from Andrea Payne from Ohio MARCS asking that you execute a users agreement to cover the radios you received from Columbus via one of the three grant programs administered by Franklin County. The agreement you were sent was not the correct one. None of you are full time users of the MARCS system. Please DO NOT not execute the agreement. 

Each of you are currently Local Emergency Use Only (LEUO) users on the MARCS system. The MARCS ID you have in each of your radios has already been paid for and you would only be billed by MARCS if you use their system for more than just emergency use. 

We have talked with MARCS about this issue on behalf of the COIRS members. In the next few days, we will send each of you a completed MARCS LEUO agreement to sign. This will ensure all of our member agencies are current with their MARCS agreements. Once we receive all of the signed agreements back, we will submit them and a complete radio inventory to MARCS on behalf of the COIRS member agencies.  

Your COIRS Technical Committee is on top of the issue and will see to it that interoperability will not be adversely affected.

If you have any questions, please contact Jay Somerville.